Olufunmilayo Jaiyeola Consulting

Olufunmilayo Jaiyeola Consulting

Welcome to this empowering session, meticulously crafted to offer guidance and unwavering support to business owners who are navigating the intricate path of expanding their ventures to the next level. If you find yourself standing at a crossroads, uncertain about the next steps to take, then this session has been tailored precisely for you.


Vision Statement

Our vision is to be a reliable support system for small businesses, especially the African community, focused on empowering them for self-reliance and financial freedom

Our Consulting Benefits

Moreover, this dynamic session extends its benefits to aspiring entrepreneurs embarking on their business journeys. It ensures that you commence your entrepreneurial voyage on solid footing, following the correct procedures right from the outset.

Whether your concerns revolve around enhancing your business’s fundability, encountering challenges in the realm of social media growth, navigating the intricacies of grant acquisition surmounting obstacles in Whether your concerns revolve around enhancing your business’s fundability, encountering challenges in the realm of social media growth, navigating the intricacies of grant acquisition, surmounting obstacles in establishing a robust business profile with an impressive 80 PAYDEX score, or any other business credit-related matters, rest assured, I am here to provide the expert guidance you require. 

Business Profile Consultation

Are you uncertain about the findability of your enterpriseor in need of expert guidance concerning your business profile,whether it pertains to collections,business structure or overall profile setup? If so, this consultation is tailor-made for your requirements.

Do you have pressing questions that require expert answers? If so,our Discovery Call is tailored just for you.

Allow us to provide you with invaluable insights into your business needs, encompassing a wide array of topics including but not limited to:

  • virtual address solutions
  • business initiation guidance
  • business venture selection
  • valuable business credit tips

This comprehensive Discovery  Strategy Session is designed to equip you with the clarity and knowledge necessary to make informed decisions for your business.

Book Our Consultation

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